Winning the Startup Campus Award from the STARTUP CAMPUS Business Concept Course
Congratulations to Steffen Kirchgeorg, Christian Geckeler, Kseniia Babich and Dominic Hägi on winning the STARTUP CAMPUS Switzerland Award!
Multimodal aerial-tethered robot AVOCADO published in IEEE T-RO!
After the conference paper was a finalist for Best Paper Award in AgroRobotics at IROS 2022, we are excited that our evolved manuscript has been published in IEEE T-RO!
New article published on IEEE RAM
In this article we show the use of aerial robots to deploy sensors capable of detecting the chemical signals that plants emit when attacked by herbivores.
Mission Accomplished!
We are so excited that our lab, as part of the ETH BiodivX team, has been selected to advance as a Finalist team in the XPRIZE Rainforest competition.
Welcome Rui!
A new lab member joined ERL in July working on soft and environmental robotics